
Let's Travel Vacations

370 Piercy Road, San Jose, CA 95138
408-972-0770 | |

Hawaiian Vacations | Group Tours | Gay-Lesbian Travel | Mexico Vacations
Travel Agencies | Ticket-less Travel | Internet travel companies

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Visit Rome this year

If you ever happen to make it to Rome, Italy you can count yourself as very lucky as it is one of the most fascinating and historically significant places in the world. Some of the places to visit when in Rome are The Pantheon which is near Piazza Navona, built in 120 A.D. by Emperor Hadrian in honor of the Roman Gods. This tourist attraction makes you experience history unlike any other structure. You feel like you are standing among many Roman citizens cheering on the combatants. St. Peter's Basilica symbolizes the peak of Christianity and is the burial site of Saint Peter. It also has numerous artistic creations by Michelangelo, Maderno and Bramante and others. The Vatican Museum is home of the Sistine Chapel whose ceiling is must see and you should also visit the Roman Forum which has an interesting history.

Rome is a perfect honeymoon destination with its romantic atmosphere and history and culture. For foodies it is a Mecca as most of the world loves Italian food and you are visiting the mother lode. The people are so friendly and welcome you into their hearts and homes. The culture is very different and it would help to know what to do and not to do before leaving. This is where Let’s Travel Vacations a travel company in San Jose stands apart from others. They don’t just plan your trip but make sure that you know all that you need to, about the place you are going to.

A travel company with an attention to detail

With this travel company you do not have to worry about being stranded without a ride at the airport or unable to find your hotel. They are so experienced that their travel plans are meticulous. They will have your vacation planned down to the last detail. Visit to find out more about Let’s Travel Vacations. You can call them at 408-972-0770 or mail for more information on their vacation packages to Europe.

370 Piercy Road, San Jose, CA 95138. Ph: 408-972-0770, 800-383-9648     CST #1001671-10
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